

How do solar panels work?

Solar panels work by converting sunlight into electricity using photovoltaic (PV) cells. When sunlight hits the PV cells, it causes a flow of electrons that creates an electric current, which can be used to power homes and businesses.


How much does it cost to install solar panels?

The cost of installing solar panels can vary depending on a number of factors, including the size of the system, the location of the installation, and the available incentives and rebates. At Sunny Savings, we offer a range of financing options and a no-cost solution to make solar more accessible for everyone.


How much money can I save with solar panels?

The amount of money you can save with solar panels depends on a number of factors, including the size of the system, the cost of electricity in your area, and the available incentives and rebates. On average, homeowners can save thousands of dollars on their energy bills over the life of the system.


What happens if I move or sell my home?

If you move or sell your home, you can transfer the solar panel system to the new owner. This can increase the value of your home and provide a valuable selling point for potential buyers


How long do solar panels last?

Solar panels can last for 25 years or more with proper maintenance and care. At Sunny Savings, we provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure that your solar system continues to operate at peak performance for years to come.


What happens if it's cloudy or raining?

Solar panels can still generate electricity on cloudy or rainy days, although the amount of electricity produced may be lower than on sunny days. The system is designed to store excess energy during sunny periods to ensure that electricity is available even during periods of low sunlight.


Is solar energy expensive?

While solar energy systems can be expensive upfront, there are many financing options available that can make it more affordable. Additionally, the long-term savings on energy bills can offset the upfront costs of a solar system.


What happens if there is a power outage?

In the event of a power outage, most solar systems will automatically shut down to protect the grid and utility workers. However, some solar systems may have battery backup options that can provide power during an outage.


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